Thursday, May 3, 2012

Until "Until Abortion Ends" Ends

As someone who is passionately pro-choice, the website "Until Abortion Ends" bothers me. On this site, people pledge to give up things that they love in a "protest" against the continued existence of abortion. I'm a little confused as to how these people seem to think giving up drinking soda is going to make a difference politically and socially. I think Jay Smooth sums it up nicely here:

Access to safe and legal abortion is a fundamental right for female-bodied people in this country. I may be leaving the Women's Center and college, but I am not going to stop fighting for equal rights and abortion access is one of those rights that we cannot afford to lose. A website like this is a testament to the fact that we need to continue to work on educating and organizing in order to keep anti-choice belief systems from being able to affect people's bodily autonomy. Until "Until Abortion Ends" ends, I pledge to keep standing up for equal rights. Until anti-choice policies are not the law in our country, I pledge to keep educating myself and others on feminist issues. Until everyone in this country has as much control over their body as I do, I pledge to work towards that goal in whatever way I am able to at the time.

Thank you to all of our readers and writers for another great year here at the Women's Center blog. My best wishes to next year's staff in all that they endeavor. I have had a wonderful time working in this office for these past two years, and I want to thank everyone who made what I have done possible.


  1. The people are not giving things up in "protest" but are giving things up as a prayerful sacrifice for the end of legal abortion.

  2. Regardless of what you call it the whole thing is still fairly pointless.

    Instead of giving up smoking or coffee or whatever, why not donate some time or money to organizations that assist single parents or adoptive families or promote comprehensive sex education?

    There are plenty of ways to reduce the number of abortions that don't involve making the procedure illegal (therefore increasing the number of unsafe, illegal abortions).

    Or... you know, just continue to feel holier than the rest of us as you pass on that bowl of ice cream "for the babies."
