Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Hello everyone!

Don't forget about the upcoming LGBTQA Leadership Conference!

Hurricane Sandy caused the conference previously set for November to be cancelled. We've accepted the challenge and rescheduled for Friday, February 8th!

This is the first year that Ramapo is hosting the conference and we're striving to make it as successful as possible, regardless of the setbacks caused by the Hurricane. We on the conference planning committee and at the Women's Center would much appreciate any support you could offer; your attendance and outreach would be much appreciated. For students, the conference would be a great learning experience and way to expand your sense of diversity, and it may even count towards CEC!

The 2013 theme is "Equality: Challenge Accepted!" and centers on issues of exclusion and disunion within the LGBTQA community; conference speakers and workshops will challenge paradigms that have traditionally marginalized particular voices. For more information and updates, schedule, etc... please visit the conference website here for more information. 

Staff, faculty, and student registration is required. Please fill out this form by February 3rd.

We hope to see you there, accepting the challenge with us. Feel free to communicate any questions, comments, or concerns through email (qps@ramapo.edu) or by phone (201) 684-7468. Thank you.

Diana Atalla
Queer Peer Services Coordinator
The Women's Center
Center for Student Involvement

Women's Center
Ramapo College
505 Ramapo Valley Road
Mahwah, New Jersey 07430

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