Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Imagine a World Without Hate!

In honor of their Centennial Year, the Anti-Defamation League launched the “Imagine a World Without Hate” video and action campaign, and we welcome you to participate in this great awareness campaign. Imagine a world where hatred, discrimination, racism and overall prejudice didn't exist. What would our world look like today? 
"After 100 years of fighting bigotry and fostering respect, we are celebrating our successes, while at the same time recognizing that we still have a long way to go to achieve the reality of a world without hate. Join us by watching, sharing and taking steps every day to create a world without hate. Thank you for stepping up to create a world without hate as an individual, community, school or corporation," as said by the League. In an effort to raise awareness about the prejudice and unacknowledged oppressions in the world the Anti-Defamation League have spent countless efforts in making a change. Today as they celebrate all their accomplishments thus far, we must not forget how far we still have to go and how one person's struggle is all our struggles. 

Their curriculum ideal and goals are including but not limited to, Anti-Bias Education. Bullying/CyberbullyingHolocaust EducationConfronting Anti-SemitismCampus AffairsCurriculum ResourcesNo Place for HateInterfaith Affairs, and Hispanic/Latino Affairs. Their exposure of this public awareness initiative will use public service announcements, video and social media to empower, encourage and instill individuals and communities to stand up to hatred and bigotry. Ethics is not what you do, but what you do when no one is watching. Take a stand today, spread the word and create change. Taking a single step encourages others to move with you. A million single steps can take you on a long journey to change. Take a step today to ensuring a safe, secure and welcoming America! 

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere
                                               Martin Luther King Jr. 

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