Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Happy Relaxation Week!

Dear devoted Women's Center blog readers,
Unfortunately, this is out last post for the semester, but don't be too discouraged as we will be ending the semester with a bang by celebrating Relaxation Week! It feels like just yesterday I was starting my junior year, but instead it is actually quickly coming to an end. Fortunately, I have no finals to stress over, but I'm sure you do.

If you find yourself feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and overtired I suggest you stop by the Women's Center for FREE delicious coffee, snacks, and comfy couches to rest your tired soul. Starting today until May 14th we will be celebrating Relaxation Week! And, make sure to thank Cara for her hard work and devotion to this glorious week of happiness.

So, what does Relaxation Week offer you ask? We will be meeting all your cute and cuddly needs with our mini-themed snacks, coffee, and hot chocolate. There will be a baby animal scavenger hunt, open contributions to our chalkboard door, hopefully a fun Wii dance game, and as always, super comfy couches! And, if you're not already running to get here, everything is mini-themed, so be prepared for cuteness overload!

Best of luck and try not to stress!

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