Friday, October 11, 2013

Addicted to your cell Phone?

In today's culture, we are practically conditioned to constantly check our cell phones. Whether it be email, text messages, social media, or (rarely) actual phone calls, there is almost never a time in which we aren't "connected." Numerous studies have shown this is not always best for our health. How do you know if you're being affected? Here are some ways to tell if you are addicted to your cell phone.

  • You are constantly thinking about texts or calls you may receive.
  • You think you feel your phone vibrate, and in reality you have no new texts or calls. (Also known as Phantom Cellphone Vibration Syndrome- and yes, it is real!)
  • You are anxious or irritated when you are not able to use your cellphone.
  • You choose to spend time on your phone rather than spend quality time with friends or family.
  • You recognize that you are spending too much time on your cell phone and try to cut back.
Sometimes it isn't easy, but it's extremely important to turn your cell phone off every once in a while and spend some quality time with family, friends, or even yourself! Try and pick a time, whether it be ten minutes or an hour, to turn your phone off everyday. When you're out with friends, keep your cellphone in your pocket or your bag. When you read a text, take five or ten minutes to answer it. Most of the time those texts and emails we feel are so "urgent" can wait. Make sure you don't use your cell phone before you try and sleep- many studies have shown that using a cell phone before bed can interfere with our sleeping patterns and lead to a less restful sleep. Plug your cell phone to charge overnight across the room instead of right next to your pillow

Making these small changes can have a huge impact. Cellphones are extremely useful and have a lot more pros than cons, but remembering to take some time for your own mental health is crucial to your success!

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