Tuesday, November 12, 2013

So you are in your senior year at Ramapo

Mornings Suck

You Greet Your Papers Like This :

School is never ending : 

You calculate the lowest grades needed to graduate :

Halfway through the day you are like :

You show up for your class for the first time in three weeks and your professor is like:

Getting lunch in the atrium and you see all the underclassmen : 

Then you have to avoid all the people you have hooked up with over the last 4 years:

You've signed up for Yoga , Choir , Fundamentals of Lyrical Dance and Scuba Diving for your last semester:

But you can't find an internship to graduate :

Everything with Rama in front of it irritates you :

You have a running bar tab at MB & G :

Then you realize you aren't ready for the real world : 

So instead of embracing the impending doom of becoming an adult you are just going to eat your feelings:

And watch 16 hours of Netflix :

And when people ask you what you are going to do when you graduate :

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