Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The New Guy

James Perlas - First Blog

Hey readers, so as some of you may know, my name is James "Danger" Perlas and I'm the new Men's Outreach Coordinator. I've only recently been accepted into the position, but you should really read that as "I got the job about 3 weeks ago and I've completely forgotten to write a blog-post until right now", so... that's fun. But now that I'm finally writing this, I figured i'd tell you all a about my position and then a little bit about me.

So you may be wondering: "What exactly DOES a Men's Outreach Coordinator do?!" 

Well first let me just say calm down, that "?!" was completely unnecessary.  But secondly, I'd tell you all about how my position as M.O.C. really revolves around spreading the ideas of healthy masculinity, and perpetuating the equal treatment of all peoples. Basically, I want to break those old male stereotypes, and make sure that we all understand that being a man is all about standing up for what matters, and making sure we do everything we can to end discrimination against every other group, no matter race, gender, orientation, or anything else. Similarly, it's important to me to promote healthy life styles, in regards to men's health and just sex in general. To put it plainly? I want to make sure all the men at Ramapo are, ya know, cool guys. 

So, now here's a little bit about myself: One of my biggest hobbies includes running in circles for varying distances, also known as Track.I get REALLY excited when I do it quickly. I'm a huge Comic fan, mostly DC, but i'll mess with some Marvel if you'd like me to. Continuing in that vein, I'm also Batman. But don't tell anyone that, it's our little secret. Overall i'm an energetic and very approachable dude, so if you ever have any questions about Men's Programming, the Women's Center, running, or just life, feel free to ask me in person or email me at I'm ALWAYS willing to talk, or offer assistance in any way I can. 

Oh! I forgot to mention one last thing about myself...

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