Friday, November 22, 2013

Time Management for Campus Leaders: Experimentation, The Art of the Nap, and Keeping Track of Tasks

Time management is one of the most useful skills learned in college. We want to figure out how to balance our classes with everything else.  But how much is too much? How can we decipher what is too much, too little, or just right for ourselves without under or over exerting our abilities? “Burn out,” or the excessive exhaustion and drive from over commitment, happens to sometimes, the most successful student leaders. Yet, if we do not fully embrace our opportunities outside of the classroom the undergraduate experience, we miss out. Here are some tips to test the waters in terms of your commitments and how to manage them, by a fellow student leader.

Leave time to experiment with new things. If extra activities end up as pleasurable, such as a club that revolves around a general interest, long-term commitment often can be not only professionally beneficial from involvement in a campus organization, but moreover, an outlet to relieve stress and participate in a welcomingly, inclusive community. Although it may be tempting to jump onto several of these appealing organizations, exploration should ideally occur throughout a student’s entire college career. Leave room instead of participating all at once.

Meet new people along the way, too. Often, it is easier to experiment and try new things with friends, rather than with unfamiliar people. However, to better enhance the experience of experimentation, the situation should entail the unfamiliar. Rather, embark on something without the comfort of familiar faces. Whether you decide to participate in a campus event, try out a student organization, or a new type of class, do it by yourself, instead of with close friends.

Now, if you don’t have time to try new things, this is a fairly early and sometimes obvious, sign that your schedule might be overbearing, if it has not already become apparent. Although you never want to overexert your energy past the point of exhaustion, be sure to participate in as much as you can. This is an easy scale to use, not only for the sake of productivity, but your own sanity. Experimenting shows us what we can and cannot handle.

Always make time for naps! Perfect the art of the nap along the way if you have not already. While everyone may not be a “nap person,” downtime to rest, ideally about a half hour to an hour and a half, throughout the day – even if it happens to be only one time a day – helps outlast energy and productivity from the morning into the night. However, one of the most useful nap strategies include a balance between caffeine and rest: drink a cup of a coffee – or tea, depending on how much caffeine intake you prefer – just before you are about to rest your eyes for a break. Take deep breaths until you fall into a light sleep, but of course, have an alarm pre-set. This process can easily be fulfilled within fifteen to twenty minutes, but up to an hour may be also fairly beneficial.

Lastly, most successful leaders carry some sort of planner, digitally or physically. I am devoted to a letter-sized Moleskin, but others swear on smartphone apps that organize tasks and remind you of them, such as Evernote. The most important thing is to keep track of your commitments on a daily basis.

With the efforts of leisurely experimentation to meet new people, practicing the art of napping, and keeping track of daily commitments, time management becomes a little easier for the average college student. Over-commitment has serious consequences of burn out, excessive exhaustion, and lack of productivity and/or drive, but additionally, under-commitment also has the backlash of not fully utilizing your undergraduate experience to develop professionally, recreationally, and academically. Make the most of your time at Ramapo with a healthy balance.

Guest Contributor: Danielle Corcione


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