Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Live Journal: Introduction

I have decided to create a live journal in which I will document my experiences and explorations in social justice.

The fight for social justice has always been important to me, a queer woman of color born and raised in an urban community to immigrant parents. Now, some of you may have raised an eyebrow. Yeah, I’m pretty much the walking-talking poster child for intersectionality, and yes, I do possess multiple minority identities that are reflected in my every day life experiences. How’s that for an introduction?

Being the very introverted child that I was growing up, I developed a talent for picking up on things that nobody ever seemed to notice (and over-analyzing seemingly simple matters). Unsurprisingly, this carried on into my adult life and has helped me in deconstructing a lot of the patriarchal garbage that we are fed right out of the womb (literally…but don’t get me started on gender roles).

While feminist theory and queer politics have played a major role in helping to formulate my identity as I know it today, I realize now that nothing— not even my high school sociology courses— could have prepared me for the ineffable growth and development that I would experience as a social justice advocate in college.

I don't claim to have mastered social justice because, frankly, no one can. That's right, no one, but I will share with you all my personal exploration and self-discovery in bi-monthly blog posts.

Until next time,


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