Monday, February 24, 2014

Challenge Yourself

Here's a little experiment I'd like everyone to try: Next time you hear a serious opinion you disagree with, whether it be one about socials structures, politics, whatever, don't just jump straight into finding what's wrong with it. Now you may be thinking: 
"Well I disagree with this opinion, that's what's wrong with it you silly blog article! Of course I'm gonna point out whats wrong with it!"

Well, let me just say two things to you: A. This blog post is not silly; it's smart funny and handsome just like it's author (Though it doesn't have the same ego). B. While our first response when we find something we disagree with may  be set to search outward, finding the flaw in whatever we're disagreeing with, that may not be the best way to develop as a person and in the situation. Instead, I suggest that anyone in a conflict or disagreement takes the first step to search in-ward and see why they disagree with the subject at hand. For example, if you and a co-worker have conflicting opinions on the subject for an up-coming presentation, instead of just pointing out what's "wrong" with their idea, take a second to evaluate yourself and see why you disagree with it. Doing this might just lead to change of opinion in yourself, or at the very least, more reasoning to back up your point of view on the subject. 

Immediately jumping into attack mode  in every conflict that arises in our lives denies us the chance to really evaluate our own views, and I would dare-say, it denies our chance to grow as people. Simply picking a flaw in the opposing view just shoots down their idea, but never really strengthens our own, and doesn't allow us a chance to consider why exactly we think the way we do. A little introspection on your choice may lead to some realizations that change the entire disagreement; because once we discover our own reasoning, we may realize the we were just jumping the gun on what we really want. Speaking from personal example, I attended a school sponsored Diversity Retreat the past weekend. When offered to me originally, the first answer my mind jumped to was "No! A Diversity retreat? It's gonna be dull, repetitive, blah blah blah". The first thing I did was pick out all the flaws I could, not even taking a second to look into myself. However, after a bit of time, I finally DID challenge myself took search inward and see why I jumped to that answer. I realized I was just hesitant to step out of my comfort zone, unsure if I really wanted to commit a whole weekend to proactive discussion. After looking inside, it became obvious to me that I, in my automatic attacking of the Retreat offer, was denying myself a huge chance at self-growth and what might just be a gnarly time. And you know what?
It turned out to be one groovy weekend for sure, I loved every second of it.

So please, next time you find yourself in conflict, instead of automatically attacking outwardly, please take a moment to look inward; and you just might change your opinion entirely. 

(Plus, you might just reach nirvana like this Corgi here)
James J. Perlas - Ramapo's M.O.C.

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