Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Love Redefined & The Body Monologues

This semester, the Women's Center has a campaign going on entitled "Love Redefined." I am extremely excited to be a part of this campaign, which is all about redefining our notions of love to include healthy romantic relationships, friendships, familial love, and of course self-love!

We kicked off this campaign last week in the student center. One of the main attractions was a big sign in which everyone wrote down a phrase to describe what love means to them.

It all came together to make this amazing poster which we now have hanging in our office. What an amazing way to show that Love means so many different things to so many different people! 

The next big event for this campaign is the Body Monologues, which will be taking place on March 5th. Anyone and everyone is welcome to submit an original work and be a part of this event! You can submit a monologue on any topic as long as it relates to your experience with your body and no topic is off limits. All experiences, whether seen as positive or negative, are welcome and supported. The monologue can take any form: spoken word, song, short story, etc. The purpose of this event is to encourage everyone to make the journey toward self-love and to remember that every body is a perfect body. The deadline for submissions is February 21st. If you are interested, submit your work here!

This campaign is off to a great start and I can't wait to see where else we can go with it. Remember: Love takes many forms!

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