Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Sick and Tired

Sick and Tired....

I am sick and tired of living in a society where my opinion rarely matters
I am sick and tired of constantly having to live on a campus where I have to stand up for the minorities because their voices are rarely heard
I am  sick and tired of living a society where the minority groups are always targeted
I am sick and sick of living in a society where there are always complaints and not enough appreciation for what is being done
I am sick and tired of dealing with being racially profiled day to day by those that do not know me
I am sick and tired of having battles with my self esteem, because I do not fit that perfect "Image"
I am sick and tired of constantly having to prove myself, due to the the discrimination of my skin color and gender.
I am sick and tired of being sick and tired, but the battle never stops....

Change has happened, because somewhere down the line, someone was tired of dealing with their day to day battles and saw the need for a change to be made. I may be sick and tired of everything I go through day to day, but instead of allowing it to defeat me, I use it to energize me to fight for what I want. I use my daily struggles to remind me of my goals and aspirations. When I am faced with obstacles, I remind myself that someone before me were faced with the same, if not worst, obstacles. I choose to be resilient. I choose to learn from my past and learn from my struggles to make me better. It is not an easy job to be a difference maker, but it is a great feeling to see you goals and vision play out the way you want them to. 
Be better than you were yesterday and plan to be better than tomorrow. The struggle never stops, just keep fighting. It will all be worth it in the end. BE THE CHANGE. 

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