I went to my statistics class on Thursday feeling anxious about the homework that was due, but instead of talking about numbers and data collection, our professor started class with a moment to remember the victims and volunteers of the 9/11 attacks. He pointed out a really interesting thought about degrees of separation – how far are we separated from victims of the attack?
We participated in a little exercise that asked who knew someone who was a victim of the 9/11attack. Surprisingly enough, only one person knew someone. It was his best friend’s dad, and he as a friend is one degree of separation from the victim; as a class is two degrees of separation. Then our professor went on and asked if we know anyone who is serving in the armed forces. The majority of the class knew someone, which made it even more personal for me, considering I know three people serving overseas.
As the weekend went on, the issues we have been facing, like burning the Quran or putting up a Mosque near ground zero, were put aside to give time and remembrance to the victims of 9/11 and their families. We also remembered the heroic volunteers who risked their lives that day and the troops overseas that have been fighting for us. No matter where we were at the time, we’re all a degree of separation from people we lost that day, no matter how far, or near and dear. I would like to take this time to honor them, especially to my uncle - Abe Talingdan; we wish you safety, we miss you and we love you. Hopefully you’ll come home soon!
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good post! Lets take this time to honor them