Thursday, May 10, 2012

Signing Off for the Summer

I've been staring at a blank document for the last hour or so, trying to figure out what on EARTH to type here. This is our last blog post of the semester, its also my last blog post as a Women's Center Employee. In under a week I will be graduated and moving on to whatever adventures come next. I want to say something profound and meaningful, something that perfectly sums up the last three years here...

There is SO MUCH involved with feminism and in the Women's Center - enough that everyone, no matter who they are, has a place here. I know that this doesn't always translate properly in the real world - every movement, every place has its issues and its marginalization - but I urge you all to get involved because your voice should be heard!

I can't say enough how powerful and transformative and wonderful that working here has been for me. Over the past four years I've been given the opportunity to learn so much and social justice and feminism, and then turn that knowledge into measurable action in the form of events and campaigns thanks to the support of this office. Being involved here has been the most influential part of my Ramapo experience and I am so thankful for the time I've gotten to spend here.

 So seriously, if it is an option for you get involved with the Women's Center or whatever your community's equivalent is. I can promise you won't regret it.

I think that's all I have to say about that. If you're around Ramapo today before 7pm or tomorrow before 5pm come in and enjoy some iced coffee/tea, some delicious desserts, and some Just Dance! I'd be happy to see any of our lovely readers stopping by before I head out!

Last, but not least, it just wouldn't be an end of semester blog post without a cute feminist cat, so here you go...

 [Bonus! The source for this image is an awesome feminist zine from the UK, check them out!]

Have a great summer, everyone!

 - Jill

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