Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Welcome Back!

The Women's Center is back for another school year. Today is the first official day we are open, and I wanted to take some time to talk about some of the changes in our office. First, and most important, we are welcoming a bunch of new student and professional staffers. You'll be hearing a lot from our new Men's Outreach Coordinator, Kevin, and from Ali who is joining us as a new Program Coordinator.

Another change in the Women's Center is the mural we painted during the week we spent in training. Over the summer, some of the furniture in the office was moved around. We also gave a lot of our books to the library, and this freed up a chunk of wall space. What was the best thing we could do for a blank, bright blue wall? Paint a mural! Here's a little taste of our epic artistry:

That, my friends, is our representation of a Tuna.

To see more, stop in the Women's Center! We have new and improved hours this semester. We will be open Monday through Friday 10 am - 7 pm. Come by this week for our event Condoms, Cookies, and Comfy Couches for free snacks and giveaways to start your semester off wonderfully. 

If you want to learn more about the Women's Center, and see some of our exciting changes, come to the Women's Center Open house on September 13th at 1 pm. 
If you love our new office and the services we offer and are thinking about joining us as an amazing volunteer, the fall semester Volunteer Training will be held Sunday, September 17th at 9:30 in the Women's Center.

We have so many new and returning events that we're excited to offer this semester. If you have any questions, or want to hear more about what will be happening, you can email us as or stop by the Women's Center in C220 (right by the Fish Bowl on the second floor of the academic building)

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