Monday, September 10, 2012

Don't Ask, Don't Tell - One Year Later

It's been nearly a year since the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy was repealed. Prior to the repeal, Don't Ask Don't Tell, or DADT, meant that openly gay people couldn't serve in the military. Now, sexual orientation no longer affects a person's ability to fight for our country, but there was a lot of struggle before we reached this point.
Supporters of DADT, enacted in 1993, felt that allowing people who were openly gay to be a part of the military would have a negative impact on the functionality of the armed forces.
However, as several news sites have reported, a recent study has proved this to be untrue - the repeal of DADT has had no negative impact on the military. This comes just a few days after the president reaffirms his stance on the policy at the Democratic National Convention.
This is great news! Before the repeal, gay members of the military had to live in fear of their discovery in order to continue their service. While there are still those that oppose the repeal and wish to reinstate the policy, there is now concrete evidence supporting the repeal. This is yet another step in the fight for equality and acceptance of the LGBTQ community.

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