Monday, September 16, 2013

Once Upon A Time's Females

               As we go on through out our day, we fail to sit back, forget about the world around us and focus completely on what is happening in the other worlds by us.
...(It's ok Regina I forgive you.)
Thanks to the multidimensional viewing portal (aka T.V)  that has been bestowed on us, by the oh so gracious bureaucracy we live in, we have the ability to channel these dimension and see what they are up to. This week we are peeking into the world of ABC and looking at the town called "Storybrooke".  I sense this town has a strong connection to the Disney fairy tales we all love and grew up with, but that's just me.

Never mind my hunch, lets talk about these girls!!! As I snoop through the viewing portal, I can see a snow white woman called Mary Margaret, her daughter (Ema Swan) and this evil Queen known as Regina. So far from my peeking experience I can say these females belong to some sort of royal family, which of course would make them all princesses, however there is something different about them.

What is different you may ask? Well to start off, they are not your average damsels in distress, in that they are the ones doing the rescuing. Besides their courageous attitude, most of the power within this world lies in the hands of the female characters. From a poor woman, who has no royal blood and later becomes queen and who's daughter rules over an entire kingdom by herself, to a mother who dies teaching her daughter to always be a benevolent being.   Isn't that something?
...Relax Regina, I'm sure there is a good explanation for this?! Wait there isn't? Oh My Gahh!!!!!!!

Not for this to be an after school special, but there is definitely something we should take or at least think about  from this world today, and that is a world run by women is an awesome world!


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