Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Quick Tips for Starting Fresh this School Year

     Starting a new school year can be an extremely difficult and confusing time. Moving back into your dorm room, saying goodbye to family and friends, starting new classes, buying textbooks- the thought of it all just feels so overwhelming! However, whether you are a freshman just starting college or a senior trying to make it through a terrible case of senioritis, a new school year can also be extremely inspiring, empowering, and the perfect time for a fresh start. Here are some tips to start fresh this fall semester.

Stay Organized

Staying organized is one of the best ways to help start fresh and keep your mental sanity throughout the semester. Trash last year’s planner and treat yourself to a new one; it is a new school year, after all. Buy yourself some new notebooks and binders and keep your dorm room clean and uncluttered- you’ll be amazed at what a difference it can make.

Change Up Your Hairstyle

One of the most empowering ways to let go of the past is to change up your hair. It may seem simple, but cutting off a few inches or changing the color of your hair can be extremely inspiring. Get creative!

Discover New Interests

Today was Ramapo’s annual club fair; if you got the chance to go, you saw that there are over 90 clubs to choose from on campus. It may seem overwhelming at first, but you can use this as an opportunity to see what kinds of clubs you are attracted to and find out where your true interests and passions lie. Club fair isn’t just meant for freshman either; it’s never too late to join!

Treat Every Day like a New Year

You don’t need to wait for New Year’s to make resolutions. Every single day is an opportunity to put the past behind you and create new goals and challenges for yourself. Treat every day like a fresh start and you’re on your way to having the best semester yet!


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